Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chapter 20 - Copying resrtictions

I think it's good that there are copy restrictions, otherwise we would end up in the world of lies. Many people would tell or write something which is not their idea, as their idea by not referencing to any source. IF sources are mentioned then everything is normal and this kind of situation also gives some credit to the source owner, has his/her work has been highly evaluated and worth to refer.
Referring and mentioning the source in the Internet also gives us more connected links. If one is looking something and clicks the referred link, one can find again some other links and in this way find the original source or many other interesting information about the same subjects.

So I think restrictions are good if there are as much and as less of them as possible. Too much restrictions is not good, too much freedom is not good as well - so there has to be the golden middle ground!

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