Monday, December 8, 2008

Link portfolio for ethics and law

Ethics in Turbulent Times
  • Four videos about Global Dignity. It is an an autonomous non-profit, non-criticism and non-partisan initiative, which mission is to implement every human being's universal right. (Global Digniy Co-Founders, Crown Prince Haakon, John Hope Bryant, Professor Pekka Himanen)
  • Handy's iterview
Towards th Information Society
  • Towards the Information Society in the Central and Eastern European Countries: Twentyseven ideas for European initiatives - It was written 2001 and there can be seen how Europe tried to go towards the information society.
The Networked World
  • Yochai Benkler is giving an interview - The download of the invisible hand broadcast which talks about management and strategy
Censors vs Cyberspace

Rid the fools of their money: the online world of crime and fraud
  • This article is written by David MacGregor: Scams, Gambling & Investments: How to spot the difference? This article is talking about some scam schemes and also some tips how to recognize the difference between the real thing and fraud.
  • Tips how to find the honest broker while trading.
  • This article is talking about one online fraud parts: phishing.
Digital divide
  • This article is talking about digital divide and the fact that it contains tree main stages: economic divide, usability divide and empowerment divide.
  • In January the Inderscience's International Journal of Knowledge and Learning published new report about digital divide. And according to this sub-Saharan Africa will miss technical opportunities if the digital divide between developed world and Africa is not closed soon.
  • Doris Lessing: “How are we, our minds, going to change with the new internet, which has seduced a whole generation into its inanities so that even quite reasonable people will confess that once they are hooked, it is hard to cut free, and they may find a whole day has passed in blogging and blugging etc.”
Ubiquitous computing and networked world
  • There is a video about ubiquitous computing. It defines it and makes some good examples and explanations: For example in year 2017 you are unconscious and leading to the hospital, nobody know who you are, but you have a cheap which tells all the necessary information..
  • Google is building an ubiquitous web.
  • Ubiquitous computing: An interesting new paradigm by Marcia Riley
The Hacker ethic in a networked world
  • This wikipage was created during one school project and I find it good for the introduction.
  • This aricle is written by Nicholas Tan: Computer Security Ethics and Privacy. Article is talking about ethical and privacy matters with specific examples.
Different people in digital world
  • Hear the lecture by Dr Genevieve Bell who is an anthropologist and ethnographer with an academic and industry background. She is talking about future of digital world and digital lives.
From Hacktivism to Cyberwar: Global Politics in the global networks
  • This article is talking about hacktivism in Lithuania.
  • Cyberwar between India and Pakistan
Social networking, social engineering
The history and development of copyright
The hacker approach: the development of free licenses
  • This article is explaining the difference between hackers and crackers and also talking about how to keep passwords safe.
The digital enforcement
  • There are higher demands to the road users due to increased mobility. Their safety is endangered. Solution is the Innovative Digital Enforcement Environment, which is a system which can measure speed, both on location and over sections, and red light infringements.
The uneasy alliance: free software vs open source
  • Why Free software is better than open software? Find out.
Hybrid approaches
  • Dual Licenses and open source: Best of both worlds?
  • Homepage for the artists and creators who would like to spread their work without strict copyright laws.
  • Guick and easy guide to creative commons licenses
  • "The Secret of Google juice?" - see the slideshow about Google strategy and business model.
  • Perfect example which shows that music can be sold via Internet: Leona Lewis song was downloaded for money approximately 69 244 units with first two days.

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