Thursday, March 25, 2010

Case of Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow is a man from Canada who is interested in writing. He is a blogger, journalist and writer (science fiction). He is the one who believes that copyright laws should be liberalized - to allow free sharing of all digital media.
I was quite surprised when I noticed that he has been dropped out from 4 universities without attaining any degree. Was he the bird with passage or he just didn't feel that these were the right programs to him .. ?
But he have had more time to do what he liked - writing. Fascinating is that at the same time he published his books ('Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom', 'A Place So Foreign and Eight More',..) in printed version he released electronic version. The only principle was that users were able to circulate the edition as long as they neither made money from it nor used it to create derived works.
I think it was useful in its own way. There are people who like to read books from paper and there are people who doesn't mind reading it from the computer.
If a writer will release his(her work in both - digital media and on paper - then there is also twice as much chance to get more familiar to people. Which leads to the fact that if one books is good, people will definately be ready to buy next book that comes out. They know what they will get.
So I think that he is smart in its own way by doing so.

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